How to use…

…the Bibliographical Database

The Bibliographical Database contains bibliographical information for books, book sections and journal articles connected to the history of quantum physics.

The more than 6700 entries include primary source as well as secondary literature. The Database can be used like every other Opac.

For many entries there all ready is a link available to get the pdf-file.

The Database is far from beeing complete, if you come across any primary or secondary material,

please share this material by adding new entries to the database, using the scanbox or by emailing to our student research assitents email


The easiest way of accessing the Bibliographical Database is its web-representation on the quantum website. You can find the Bibliographical Database in the

website-section „Intranet“ under Databases/Bibliographical Database or click here.

The Database can be used like every other Opac.

For many entries there allready is a link available to get the pdf-file.

The Fileserver-Database

As mentioned above the web-site is a representation of our filemaker database.

To add/edit bibliographical information it is neccessary to change the entries in the fileserver database itself.

(This is only possible from a computer inside the institute or a computer connected to the institute network via VPN).

Open File-Maker-Pro 8

Activate Eine bestehende Datei öffnen and press OK.

Click on Hosts in the newly opened window. In the column labeled „hosts“ activate fm8-server, choose bib_quantum and click on Open.

Having opened the database, you will see the first entry of the database.

You can now …

  • search for exisisting entries and edit entries
  • extract bibliographical information
  • add new entries

To search for existing entries click on the FIND-Button in the upper column of the database or press APPLE F.

Click on a field, enter word you are searching for.

To go through the results click on the on the book-pages symbol in the upper left corner of the database.

To change an existing entry go to the entry, change the information and save the changes simply by clicking on the book-pages symbol.

Above this symbol there is a button labled „Quantum“ here you can change the representation of the Database to e.g. „List“.

In the usual „Quantum“-represantation there is a field on the very right side of the data-sheet for „citation“.

From this field you can copy and paste the entry for your bibliography.

To add new entries the easiest way is to dublicate an existing entry APPLE D“.

Change the respective fields in the entry (in particular do not forget the field for „reference type“) and save the new entry by going to annother one.

go to how to use the Archival Database

start/use_biblio-db.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2011/06/10 12:53 von hammer
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