How to use…

…the Archival Database

The Quantum Archive Database consists of correspondence and unpublished documents by renowned scientists

involved in the development of quantum physics in the first half of the 20th century. It contains approximately 4700 entries and continues to

grow steadily. In order to cope with this vast amount of data it is crucial to be able to find one's way through the FILEMAKER database.

This program is the cornerstone of the digital archive. In the following there will be a short manual on how to create files, the search of

entries within the database and the export of .xml-files.

First Steps

Open File-Maker Pro8

Activate Eine bestehende Datei öffnen and press OK. Click on Hosts in the newly opened window. In the column labeled „hosts“ activate fm8-server, choose bib_quantum_archive and click on Open.

Now the archival_database will open.

creating new data sets

To create a new data set, press the New button in the upper left corner and fill in all the information that is provided. Another way is

to duplicate (Command+D) an already existing entry and change the now created one.

It will be saved automatically. Alterations made to already existing entries will be saved as well.

searching data sets

The program also offers a search function. Basically every field entry can be used as a search keyword. Press Search in the top bar and

type in the informations you have for the wanted data sets. After that and pressing the Enter button on your keyboard, the program will

yield your data sets if they are in the database.

.xml export

If .xml files need to be exported, the way of proceeding is the following:

Use the search function in order to find the data sets that are connected loosely to the search parameter.

Click on List in the top bar of the window and select the data sets you do not want. To exclude those data sets, activate them and

press Command+T. When you have all your data sets shown in the list go under Ablage on Datensätze exportieren.

Now name the file and choose .xml as type. Then press Save.

In the next window, choose FMPDSORESULT and Continue.

Now press Alle kopieren and Export the data sets.

How to use Bibliographical Database