
Notebook from gymnasium, "Griechische Praeparationen," 29 pp., [before 1906] (39,1).
Exposition, "Über die Peanosche Punktmenge P.," removed from notebook entitled „Escherich, Funktionentheorie, 1907/08 Winter Sem. 2. Heft,“ 20 pp. (39, 1).
Notes, "Vortrag Ramsay, Frühjahr 1908, Über seine neue Theorie der chemischen Verbindung und der Electricität," 15 pp. (39, 1).
University notebook, „Przibram, Konstitution der Materie, Winter 1908,“ I und II. Hefte, 90 pp. (39, 1).
University notebook, "Phys. Seminar, Sommer, 1909," 15 pp. (39, 1).
University notebook, "Philosophie, 1910," 14 pp. (39, 1).
Two university notebooks, „Hasenöhrl Seminar 1910/11“: I, II, insg. 37 pp. (39, 2).
Book of physicists' addresses, 34 pp., [c. 1914] (39, 2).
Diary and notebook, "Tagebuch 1915," 41 pp. (39,2).
Notebook, "Kausalität," 3 pp., 10 Sep 18 (39,7).
Three notebooks, „Tensoranalytische Mechanik,“: I, II, III, insg. 118 pp., [c. 1918] (39,3).
Two unfinished manuscript drafts, „Hertz'sche Mechanik und Einstein'sche Gravitationstheorie,“: I, II, insg. 31 pp., [c. 1918] (39,3).
Notebook, "Schwankungs Opaleszenz," 19 pp., [c. 1918], (39,4).
Notes, "Brown'sche Schwankungen des Drehwinkels," 15 pp., [c. 1918] (39,4).
Two notebooks, „Besprechung der letzten Arbeiten Smoluchowskis,“: I, II, insg. 51 pp., [c. 1918] (39,5).
Notes and three notebooks, „Privatum 1919,“: I, II, III, insg. 103 pp. (39,6).
Notes on Kirchhoff's principle, 20 pp., (c. 1919] (39,6).
Eight notebooks, „Indische Philosophie und Religion,“: I, II, III, IV, V, (VI-VIII - ?), insg. 153 pp., [c. 1904, 1918-19, 19291 (39,7).
Notebook "Über Atomistik, mechanische Naturerklärung, und Phänomenologie," 47 pp., [before 1920] (39,8).
Notebook, "Ad R. Avenarius," 16 pp., [before 1920] (39,8).
Scrapbook of clippings of newspaper articles written by Schrödinger, c. 75 pp., 1923-57 (43,6).
Outline for a book on "Molekularstatistik," 17 pp., [c. 1924]; Offprint "Molekularstatistik" (40,1).
Research notebook, "Chemische Konstante und Gasentartung, II," 34 pp., [c. 1924] (40,1).
Notes for lectures on quantum statistics, 46 pp., [c. 1924] (40,2).
Unfinished manuscript draft, "On QuantumStatistics," 5 pp., [c. 1924] (40,3).
Notes on various topics in quantum statistics, perhaps lecture notes, 100 pp., [c. 1924] (40,3).
Notes for lectures, "Theorie der Spektren," 94 pp., 1925-26 (40,4).
Rough notes, "H Atom, Eigenschwingungen," 3 pp., [late 1925 or Jan 26] (40,5).
Research notebook, "Eigenwertproblem des Atoms. I," 72 pp., [late 1925 or Jan 26] (40,5).
Research notebook, "Eigenwertproblem des Atoms. II. (Ailgemeine Theorie)," 48 pp., [c. Feb 1926] (40,6).
Research notebook, "Starkeffekt fortgesetzt," 16 pp., [c. Feb 26] (40,6).
Research notebook, ". . . Eigenwertproblem des Atoms. III,“ 48 pp., [c. Mar 26] (40,7).
Notes and numerical tables, "Berechnung der Hermiteschen Orthogonalfunktionen," 2 pp., (1926] (40,7).
Loose notes on intensities, 9 pp., [1926] (40,7).
Rough notes, tables and diagrams, "Intensitätsberechnung für den Starkeffekt," 111 pp., [1926] (40,8).
Various rough notes on wave mechanics, 15 pp., [c. 1926] (40,9).
Various unidentified notes from folder, "Korrespondenz zur Undulationsmechanik," 5 pp., [c. l926] (41,6.1).
Research notebook, "Dirac," 24 pp., (1926] (41, 1.1).
Research notebook, "Undulatorische Statistik. I.," 26 pp., [1926] (41,1.2).
Notes, "Zur Transformationstheorie," 21 pp., [1926-281 (46,1).
Research notebook, "Symmetriefragen," 45 pp., 3 May 27 (41,3).
Research notebook, "Undulatorische Statistik. II.," 44 pp., [1927] (41,1.3).
Research notebook on Gordon and Dirac equation, 13 pp., [1927] (41,1.4).
Research notebook, "Intensitäten; Parallele zu Heysenberg [sic] und Lanczos," 37 pp., [1927] (41,2.1).
Research notebook, "Die schwebenden Fragen," 41 pp., [1927] (41,2.2).
Research notebook, "Zu Unscharfe Spektren," 26 pp., [1927] (|41,2.3).
Research notebook, "Streckenspektrum, Intensitaten," 15 pp., [1927] (41,2.4).
Research notebook, "Studien über Integralgleichungen und Kerne. Intensitäten im Starkeffekt, starke Felder," 50 pp., [1927] (41.2.5).
Research notebook, "Koppelung," 24 pp., [1927] (41,4.1).
Research notebook, "Koppelung II," 40 pp., [19271 (41,4.2).
Research notebook, "Koppelung mit dem Strahlungsfeld. Die simultanen Gleichungen Darwin's und Pauli's," 29 pp., [1927] (41,4.3).
Notes, rough and disorganized, for Schrödinger's first lectures in Berlin on quantum mechanics: Plan zur 4-stündigen Vorlesung, Einführung in die Quantentheorie, Winter 1927/28, Atommodell & periodisches System, Atomtheorie Rutherford-Bohr, Notes, De Broglie, Nach Weihnachten 1927/28, Loose Notes 130 pp., 1927-28 (43,7).
Collection of reviews of Schrödinger's Abhandlungen über Wellenmechanik, 25 pp., 1927-28 (43,5).
Miscellaneous notes from folder, „Sommersemester 1928,“: I, II, III, insg. 20 pp., (46,1).
Research notebook, 1) Dispersion und Resonanz, 2) Berlin, juni, 1928, 11 pp. (41,4.4).
Research notebook, "Berlin 1928," 43 pp., (41, 4.5).
Research notebook, "Funkenwahrscheinlichkeit," 12 pp., Jun 28 (41,4.6).
Research notebook, "Darstellungen," 9 pp., [19281 (41,5).
Research notebook, "Zur Abel'schen Integralgleichung," 10 pp., [1928] (41,5).
Notebook, "Parameter," 12 pp., [before 1929] (42,1).
Notebook, "Schwankungen," 8 pp., [before 1929] (42,1).
Notes, "Radioaktivität," and "Koppelung durch Randbedingungen." 13 pp., 1929 (42,1).
Notebook, "Warum," 20 pp., [1929] (43,3).
Notes on von Neumann's representation of the probability interpretation, 14 pp., [1929-30] (46,2).
Notes and drafts on various quantum mechanical topics, 21 items: Various notes on Quantum Mechanics, Über die Individualität quantenmechanischer Systeme, Notes, Bohr-Einstein, Zu den zwei getrennten Systemen, Bemerkungen, Notes, Die Unbestimmtheitsrelation, Collapse of Determinism, Strahlungsgleichgewicht in geschichtetem Mittel, Zwillingsbildung, Notes, Transformation positiver Funktionen, Transformation der E.W. in Dirac's Theorie, Die Bedeutung der Uhr, Natürliche Entstehung des Gitters, Notes, Notes, Bemerkungen (Veranlasst durch Van den Driesche, Methodos (1949) p. 307), The Simpson Line from the Projective Point of View, Gedanken über die Bedeutung der absoluten Lösungen, Notes, Copy of Referee's Report on paper A.54, insg. 93 pp., [after 1929] (43,1-2).
Notebook, „Neue Grundauffassung,“: I, II, III, IV, insg. 66 pp., June 30 (46,4).
Notes, "Überquantelung," 56 pp., Jul 30 (42,2).
Various notes on Lorentz invariance and the Dirac electron: I, II, insg. 28 pp., [c. 1930] (46,3).
Manuscript draft, "Gerade und ungerade Operatoren der relativistischen Quantenmechanik," unpublished, 25 pp., 1930-31 (46,3).
Notes on quantum mechanics, "Seminar 1930/31," including a letter from Fritz Sauter of 25 Nov 30 on Dirac's electron theory, 11 pp., (42,3).
Notes on various topics from folder, „Paris, Pfingsten 1931. Und vieles andere,“: I, II, III, IV,V, insg. 44 pp. (46,5).
Manuscript, "Über die Umkehrung der Naturgesezte," 20 pp., 12 Mar 31 (42,3).
Unpublished draft, "Materiewellen im Schwerefeld," 9 pp., [1931] (42,3).
Manuscript, "Über Hänkelsche Lösungen," 8 pp., [c. 1931] (42,3).
Notes for lectures, "Korpuskularphysik," 11 pp., 1932 (43,8).
Notes and manuscript, "Starkeffekt im veränderlichen Feld," 10 pp., [1932] (42,3).
Folder of papers, „Verstreute Einzelideen; eventuell für Dissertationen,“ besteht aus einzelnen Dateien: Verstreute Einzelideen..., Verstreute Einzelideen..., Isotropieschwankungen, Theoretischer Beweis für den Drehimpuls zirkular polarisierten Lichtes, Verstreute Einzelideen..., Zu Flügge, Störung im Streckenspektrum, Die Rolle der Gruppe der Bewegungen in der klassischen Physik und in der Quantenmechanik, Idee, Haben Isotope verschiedene reversible Zersetzungsspannungen, insg. 24 pp., [c. 1933] (42,3).
Manuscript draft of Nobel address and related documents from Stockholm: I, II, insg. 30 pp., Dec 33 (44,1).
"Aus einer Vorlesung über Quantentheorie, Sommer Semester 1933, Berlin, von Erwin Schrödinger,“ 2 pp. (43,8).
Exposition of quantum mechanics and its interpretation for Oxford Seminar, 46 pp., 1933-34 (46,6).
Notes on various topics: Austauschentartung, Milne-Modell und Dichtematrix, Nebenbei 1934/35, Notes, Umschreiben von Dirac Buch, S. 218 ff. für Fermistatistik, Erhaltungssatz - Zusammenhang, Notes, Notes, insg. 45 pp., [c. 1934-35] (42,4.1-8).
Notebook, "Elektron im magn. Dipolfeld," 38 pp., 1934-35 (42,5).
Manuscript and correspondence for "¿Son lineales las verdaderas ecuaciones del campo electromagnético?" [Anales de la Sociedad Española de Fisica y Quimica 33 (1935): pp. 511-517], 23 pp., 1935 (42,5).
Notebook, "Gespräche über den Tod," 34 pp., [c. 1935] (43,3).
Notebook on Fermi's theory of beta decay, Eddington's theory of protons and electrons, de Broglie and sound waves, 22 pp., [1936] (42,6).
Notebook, "Grundlagenfragen. Dichtematrix" 76 pp., [c. 1936] (46,7).
Notes, correspondence, and drafts relating to the 1937 Bologna conference, 25 pp. (42,6).
Notes for lectures on quantum statistics, 29 pp., originally from Berlin, 1928-29, reworked for Graz 1937-38 (42,7).
"Lebenslauf" and bibliography, 8 pp., 2 Jul 38 (39,1).
Lecture notes and drafts, "The so-called new Forms of Statistics," 58 pp., 1938 (42,7).
„Gent. Ganz vermischte Notizen,“: "Gent. Ganz vermischte Notizen,“ "Gent. Ganz vermischte Notizen" - Aberglauben in der Physik, "Gent. Ganz vermischte Notizen" - Über einen euklidischen Raum von endlichem Volumen, insg. 19 pp., [1938391 (46,8).
Unfinished draft, "Two Remarks on Bose-Einstein Condensation," 9 pp., [1939] (42,8).
Three notebooks on various topics in quantum mechanics and its interpretation: Allerlei, 1939, Quantensprung, Principium Individuationis insg. 124 pp., 1939-40 (42,9).
Popular writings: an indictment of our decaying civilization, 14 pp.; article on Austrian science, 4 pp.; review of Eddington's Tarner lectures, 6 pp.; objection to Blackett's popularization minimizing the role of gravitation in the nucleus, 3 pp., late 1930's (44,2).
Covers and first pages of eleven notebooks dealing chiefly with Born's nonlinear electron theory, 22 pp., [c. 1939-42] (46,9).
Notes on the freedom of the will: I, II, 14 pp., [1940s] (46,8).
Notes on Legendre polynomials marked "Sehr Wichtig," 17 sheets, [1940s] (46,9).
Popular writings on history, time's arrow, nonlinear optics, philology, biology and evolution: Historical Society, Nonlinear Optics, Comment on a paper read by Jakob Grimm in 1847, Time's Arrow, The Future of Understanding, The Bearing of Physics on Heredity, Mutation and Evolution, The Statistical Law in Nature, 70 pp., early 1940s (44,3).
Notes, "Programmatic," 2 pp., Jul 41 (42,10).
Notebook, "Biologica. I," 57 pp., 1942 (42,10).
Notebook, „Xmas 1948,“ containing notes on philosophy (not found, maybe this notebook is part of "Warum"), 35 pp. (43,3).
Popular writings: talks to the International Club; writings on university reform; „Do Electrons Think?“: To the International Club, To the International Club - 1. Thanking, To the International Club - 2. World Sovereignty, To the International Club - 3. Attitude towards Germany, 1. Introduction, 2. Taboos, 3. Eating and Drinking, Popular writings from the late 40's, 4. E.a.D. in general, 5. Last remarks (sketched), University Reform, Für "Die Furche" -Theoretiker und Praktiker, Do Electrons think?, insg. 96 pp., late 1940s (44,4).
Notebook, "Anderes, Innsbruck, 1950." Portions headed „Die Natur der Elementarteilchen“ and „Zitate aus Boltzmann's Prinzipe der Mechanik,“ 11 pp. (44,5).
Incomplete typescript draft, "July Colloquium 1952," 35 pp. (44,5).
Selected portions of three notebooks bearing on the interpretation of quantum mechanics: Zur Kritik (Are there Quantum jumps?), Fehlerhafte Interpretationen; Die logischen Grundfunktionen; Auch: G. Stephanson, Neue Feldtheorie..., Frühjahr 1955, insg. 46 pp., 1951-1955 (42,11).
Typescript version of a set of lectures, "Transformation and interpretation in Quantum Mechanics," 88 pp., 1952 (43,9).
Manuscript drafts for three "James Lectures," intended to be given at Harvard, 44 pp., [c. 1954] (44,6).
Lectures and popular articles: Antrittsrede Wien - Die Krise des Atombegriffs; "Die Atomtheorie,", insg. 55 pp., 1956-57 (44,7).
Two notebooks containing manuscript draft of „Was ist wirklich?“: Heft 1, Heft 2, insg. 50 pp., 1960 (44,8).
Five manuscript drafts: 1) "Wo halten wir als Art?" 2) Further thoughts on „What is life?“: Introduction, The two kinds of Inheritance, The lime-light of consciousness 3) "Why the Truth?" 4) Antinomies of set theory; 5) "What Physical Device Fixes Memory?", insg. 50 pp., [after 1940] (44,10).
Notebook, „Phys. Seminar,“: Phys. Seminar - Vibrierende Membranen, Phys. Seminar 30 pp., [undated] (39,1).
Notebook, "Vorträge über Meteorologie an der Fl. O. Sch. in Wr. Neustadt," 40 pp., [undated] (39,2).
Unidentified notes on electromagnetic waves,. 3 pp., [undated] (40,5).
Introduction to lectures on quantum mechanics at Dublin, 3 pp., [undated] (43,9).
Disposition for a book on elementary quantum mechanics, plus half of a first chapter, "The Original Form of Quantum Theory and its Conceptual Grievances," 22 pp., [undated] (43,9).
Various notes and drafts on philosophy, biology, taxation, interpretation of physics, etc., 9 items: Interpretation of Physics, The Origin of Man and Society - Discussion Group, Fragment of an unpublished dialogue of Galileo, Bruchstück eines unveröffentlichten Dialog des Galileo, Aus Bertrand Rusell, History of Western Philosophy, p. 57. Einleitung zum Vieren Kapitel, "Heraklit", Taxation, Zum Vortrag Alpbach 1923, Various undated notes and drafts, Spinoza. Ethices Part III. Prop. II., Ein Gedicht über Gott, insg. 38 pp., [undated] (44,9).
Various small papers on philosophy and religion: Kontroverse: Willensfreiheit - Determinismus in der Physik, About science, Renaissance, that is precicely what we need....., Various small papers..., Various small papers..., Various small papers..., Mottos für "What is Life?" 31 pp., [undated] (44,11).
Memoir, "Schrödinger's 1928 Lectures on Wave Mechanics," by Bun-ichi Tamamushi (66,13).